“Climate change is a massive emergency and all of us have a part to play in tackling it” - George Bridges

29/03/2021 | George Bridges

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity today, and to fight it, we must all do everything we can. Promoting or financing projects that contribute to sustainable development and to reducing the environmental footprint is something that can have a substantial positive impact on the environment.

George Bridges, Senior Adviser at Banco Santander, talks about the urgent need for action to tackle the climate emergency. In order to accomplish this, he says it's essential to innovate, and to change the way businesses operate and the way we live.

He aims to inspire entrepreneurs who have innovative solutions that can help people and businesses transition towards a sustainable economy to participate in the global Santander X Environmental Challenge.


Goal: achieving a sustainable economy through innovation and technology

Economic recovery in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis has to include a paradigm shift towards a more resilient, more inclusive system, and a progressive but continuous decrease in carbon emissions. This is a global environmental goal that the European Union as a whole, together with 174 other countries, has pledged to meet by signing the Paris Agreement.

It’s a huge challenge, and an ambitious one. But with commitment and the cooperation of public institutions, companies, and entrepreneurs, it is achievable. Innovation and technology are the keys to success.

According to data from the International Energy Agency, today solar is the cheapest form of energy. In part, this is thanks to technological innovation and improvements in the efficiency of the materials used in photovoltaic cells and panels. This clearly shows how important innovation is in achieving a sustainable economy.

So, what sort of innovative solution will pave the way to global sustainability in the coming years? It could be your project!

Supporting entrepreneurs

Banco Santander plays an important role in the promotion of sustainable development. The Bank's commitment to accelerating the transition to a green economy takes a number of different forms:

    Loans to finance renewable energy projects, as well as the development of initiatives or products that could contribute to a reduction in carbon emissions, such as installations to improve energy efficiency, the installation of solar panels, the purchase of electric cars or motorbikes, or low-carbon agriculture, among others.

    Supporting and advising customers on ways to achieve a more sustainable lifestyle.

    Reducing the emissions generated by the company itself, and thus reducing its environmental impact.

    And last but not least, mobilizing the Santander X entrepreneurship community to identify solutions that would help people and businesses to make their transition to a low carbon economy. 


Making ideas a reality

"If you’ve got an idea on how to help innovate and change how businesses operate, and you want to turn that idea into reality, please apply for Santander X Environmental Challenge.”

George Bridges, Senior Adviser at Banco Santander

Banco Santander wants to call up the entrepreneurial community into coming up with solutions that will help people and businesses in the transition towards a sustainable economy. To this end, Banco Santander, in collaboration with the Oxentia Foundation, is launching the Santander X Environmental Challenge, a global challenge aimed at promoting and financing projects that help to raise awareness of the need to reduce the environmental footprint.

Do you want to contribute to a sustainable economy with an innovative idea that will have a positive impact on our planet? If you do, sign up for the Santander X Environmental Challenge. Depending on the characteristics of your particular project, there are two categories to choose from:

    Be Sustainable: for initiatives that promote green finance and investment. How does your idea attract sustainable finance and investment from people and investors who want to support economic activities that have a positive environmental impact? How can it help investors or financial institutions to help companies take the lead in the transition towards a low-carbon economy?

    Be Mindful: for initiatives that help to raise awareness of the importance of reducing the environmental footprint. How can your project help individuals and companies (and those in their supply chain), to measure their own environmental footprint? How can you deliver solutions that will help businesses and industries to reinvent themselves, reducing the environmental impact of their activities and supporting biodiversity?

The Santander X Environmental Challenge is looking for the very best ideas that will tackle climate change and have a positive environmental impact. The winning projects will each be awarded 20,000 euros, plus being given access to mentoring services, and gaining greater visibility on social networks thanks to campaigns to publicise their projects.

If you have an idea to support economic activities that have a positive environmental impact, join the global challenge Santander X Environmental Challenge. Take advantage of this great opportunity!